Tuesday, January 29, 2013

GOVERNMENT always in the way

Why does the Government want to make it illegal to talk on a cell phone in Georgia and other states?

Now it is is fine with me because I just use the speaker on my cell phone. I also use a set of those cheap ear buds and I am a happy man. 

You have to remember that Cell phones and texting are different...I do not believe in texting when trying to drive some times I have down this and some times it is fine but more than too often I am off the road and have to bounce my car back on and that is no good.

You know the Government wants to have their hands in everything now days and cell phones no matter if you dislike them or not or a part of the American way. Who stops at a pay phone if you can find 
one. So American's have become so inseparable from leaving home with out their phone. Put it this way it is a thing that has become almost mandatory to have who know what can happen in life and you need the cell phone in case of trouble are to make sure the wife and kids made it home safe. Plus cell phones are a business mans best friend.

All I am saying if you receive a text message and have to respond please pull over and reply stopped before going on. Be safe and thanks again...

Tino Patti of Plus Photography